Preventive Dentistry
Q: Preventive dentistry consists of what?
Preventative dentistry consists of many facets. The pediatric dentist practices preventive dentistry and includes brushing, flossing, using fluorides, good oral habits, orthodontics, proper diet, sealants and sports safety.
Q: Preventive dentistry is important because?
Disease in the mouth can endanger the rest of the body. Healthy mouths chew easier and gain more nutrients from the food. Your children learn to speak quicker and more distinct. Preventive dentistry means less extensive, less expensive treatment for your child, and more importantly, a healthy smile.
Q: Preventive dentistry should begin when?
When your child gets their first tooth, preventive dentistry should start. You should visit your pediatric dentist and learn how to protect your child’s dental health when their first tooth comes in. The sooner you visit the dentist, the better chance your child will have in preventing cavities and disease.
Q: Can dental problems be prevented by a pediatric dentist?
Your pediatric dentist can apply sealants to protect your child from tooth decay. He can also help you select a mouth guard to prevent sports injuries and early diagnosis of orthodontic problems. Tooth cleaning and polishing with fluoride treatments are all part of your child’s prevention program. Your pediatric dentist is uniquely trained to insure your child’s dental health.